brave new world

Hi blogsters.

Our beautiful baby, Gabriel, was born a week ago and he is a wonder. Sometimes impy, sometimes very old, sometimes just a tiny boy. Feeling very lucky to have him here safely in the world. And strange to think that less than a week ago he was still inside me and what a huge journey it is from being unborn, to born.  His umbilical stump is drying up hour by hour as he learns to live in his own body..

I also think a lot about the world he has been born in to, and what all the babies born now are inheriting from us. If he is lucky to have a long life, he will live to 2100.

All newborn babies are so precious and innocent. I think of those born into a world without a home, or a father, or safety, and how lucky we are to have our own beds, own front door, our freedoms.
Anyway I am writing this with one hand so will stop now but yes, a profound and moving experience to have him here sleeping in my arms, dreams running over his face in little mysteries and flickers..


Onto some poetry matters - I was delighted to have a poem painted up on a giant bill board on the corner of the Bethnal Green Nature Reserve as part of the Phytology project.

The billboard changes every few months, and there are some more details here -

My poem was inspired by St Jude - the Patron Saint of Lost Causes and the name of the church on the site which was bombed in the Second World War. There are still lumps of rubble and brick in the soil, which once were thick church walls. I must say it was loosely inspired by the structure of a poem by Mona Arshi, called You Are Not, from her collection Small Hands. I tried to write about the specific nature on the site - it's full of mushrooms and cyclamen at the moment, and i wanted it to be accessible for people passing by..

I've also got a poem going round Guernsey at the moment on the buses, which is fun. It's great to have some work 'out there'.
Back soon and thanks for reading


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