"I don't really deeply feel that anyone needs an airtight reason for quoting from the works of writers he loves, but it's always nice, I'll grant you, if he has one" - thank you, J.D Salinger -

And for this - "Poets are always taking the weather so personally. They're always sticking their emotions in things that have no emotions".
I know, I know..

Anyway, I am off to Turkey tomorrow for a long family holiday. It gives me some relief to think there will be no internet, email, texting...and most of all no diet of daily 'news' most of which is meaningless.. Hurrah
instead I have a lovely pile of books to read. Top of the list is the second half of The Grapes of Wrath (somepin' utterly compelling) also Anais Nin Little Birds, new Naomi Alderman, and lots of poetry - John Burnside, Catherine Towers
I hope to see some interesting creatures and landscapes - octupus/lizards/Turkish equivalent of wood pigons - and jump off lots of high rocks into the sea

check this out - yes, I know, the irony of writing this on a 'blog'


good times


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